Mumbo Jumbo India Pale Ale

Brewer: Boundary Road Brewery  (website)

Type of beer:
ABV: 5.2%    IBU: 52

Consumed at Ponsoby Terrace, Auckland, New Zealand on September 20th, 2017.

Brewer’s Blurb:
Back in the British Raj, elephant-riding, tea-swilling settlers were in dire need of rescuing from the Indian sun. And so the India Pale Ale was born. Our interpretation is authentically brewed with loads of Cascade hops and has floral aromas, malty sweetness and a lingering dry finish. But enough of that Mumbo Jumbo.

This is our interpretation of an authentically brewed India Pale Ale, We increased the non-carbonate water hardness, lowered our mash PH and produced a highly attenuated copper coloured beer that is loaded with hops. The 90 minute boil and Pacifica hops contribute a credible level of bitterness and the late hop addition imparts flavours aligned with the English hop varietals used at the time.

Michael’s Notes:
One of the first beers bought from a grocery store in Auckland, this beer was disappointing, as there was less flavor than expected from a normal IPA. Still, it was a refreshing reward from our first every grocery shopping run.